
Determination of pesticides in strawberry jam by an easy and low cost method

A research group belonging to  ICTAN and IQOG in colaboration with IZASA, SA has developed a rapid and low cost  method to detect pesticides in strawberry jam.  The procedure, based on the use Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME), consists of an easy sample preparation method free of organic solvent followed by Multidimensional Gas Chromatography technique coupled […]

Seminar “Valoración del cambio de composición corporal en adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad incluidos en un tratamiento multidisciplinar: Estudio EVASYON ”

Date: Monday, March 26, 2016 at 12 am Place: Lecture Hall of the Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN) Title: Valoración del cambio de composición corporal en adolescentes con sobrepeso y obesidad incluidos en un tratamiento multidisciplinar:  Estudio EVASYON. Speaker: Dra. Pilar de Miguel Etayo Contact: ;  

Two ICTAN researchers among the 2015 world´s most highly cited researchers

Two ICTAN researchers among the 2015 world´s most cited researchers

Compiled annually, the highly Cited Researchers listing derives from Essential Science Indicators (ESI), a component of the Web of Science. From the Highly Cited Papers, Thompson Reuters analysts identified authors whose scientific and scholarly papers wield outsized influence. Among these authors, two ICTAN researchers are included, Dra. Carmen Gómez-Cordovés and Dr. Fulgencio Saura-Calixto. Contact: […]

ICTAN’s research project granted with the Manuel de Oya 2015 fellowship

Young researcher Ana Maria Torres has been granted one of the two Manuel de Oya 2015 fellowships to develop the study “Molecular mechanisms of action of beer polyphenols on obesity and non-alcoholic liver disease” The research will be supervised by Professor Laura Bravo Clemente, from the Department of Metabolism and Nutrition at the Institute of […]