Determination of pesticides in strawberry jam by an easy and low cost method

A research group belonging to  ICTAN and IQOG in colaboration with IZASA, SA has developed a rapid and low cost  method to detect pesticides in strawberry jam.  The procedure, based on the use Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME), consists of an easy sample preparation method free of organic solvent followed by Multidimensional Gas Chromatography technique coupled to Mass Spectrometry (MDGC/MS). Also, it possible to detect a high number of  pesticides in just one analysis.  This colaboration has been possible thanks to AVENSECAL research project, funded by Comunidad de Madrid.

Dr. G.P. Blanch and M.L. Ruiz del Castillo (ICTAN)

Dr. L. Ramos (IQOG)

Contact: gblancharrobalocalhost

Solid Phase Microextraction - Multidimensional Gas Chromatography
Solid Phase Microextraction – Multidimensional Gas Chromatography