Publication of the book “Inmunonutrición: En la salud y en la enfermedad”

Portada del libro "Inmunonutrición. En la salud y la Enfermedad". Ed. Médica Panamericana

This book (“Immunonutrition: in health and disease”) represents the first integrative approach between immunity and lifestyles from a scientific point of view.

It is a compilation of the scientific evidence on the latest findings on Immunonutrition presented at the 1st and 3rd International Immunonutrition Workshops, which were held in 2007 in Valencia (Spain) and in 2009 in Platja d’Aro (Girona, Spain), respectively.

All talks and abstracts (booth posters and oral communications) from the 1st Workshop were published in the British Journal of Nutrition (2007, vol 98, supl. 1), and those from the 3rd Workshop in Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (2010, vol 69, supl. 3).

The novelty and main contribution of this book is to gather all this information in Spanish, making the most of the widespread use of our language, so as to disseminate this knowledge not only amongs the Spanish population, but also beyond our frontiers.


Contact for further information to: Ascensión Marcos


Portada del libro "Inmunonutrición. En la salud y la Enfermedad". Ed. Médica Panamericana