Prof Ascensión Marcos’s admission as Corresponding Member of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy

The admission of the Research Professor Ascensión Marcos as a Corresponding Member of the Royal National Academy of Pharmacy (RANF) was held in Madrid on 29th January 2015, during a public session of the Academy. Prof Marcos is the Director of the Immunonutrition Research Group at the Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). A summary of Prof Marcos’s biography was presented by Prof Francisco Sánchez Muniz, from the School of Pharmacy of the University Complutense of Madrid.
The RANF has its origins in 1737, and its main aims are: to promote research on and the study of pharmaceutical sciences and related subjects; to act as policy advisor for the national Government and public administrations in all different aspects of health promotion; to promote conferences, roundtables, specialization courses and symposia; and to safeguard the Spanish pharmaceutical heritage kept in the RANF’s Historical Archive and unique bibliographic and museographic funds.
The RANF includes 50 permanent members, 7 honour members (a Nobel Prize included among them), 120 national corresponding members (with the new addition of Illustrious Prof Marcos), 87 foreign members, as well as staff members from the Government Board and the General Board. The RANF is divided into 6 sections: 1) Chemistry and Physics; 2) Biotechnology, Biology and Pharmacogenomics; 3) Pharmaceutical Technology; 4) Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy; 5) Public health, Food and Environment; and 6) History, Law and Bioethicsóximas-sesiones/2089-toma-de-posesión-dra-ascensión-marcos.html

Contact: amarcosarrobalocalhost

Prof. Ascensión Marcos’s admission as Academy Member.
Prof. Ascensión Marcos’s admission as Academy Member.