Immunonutrition Research

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Our main objective is to study the effect of the dietary pattern, foods and food ingredients on immunological biomarkers and other biomarkers involved in the body homeostatic mechanisms and health maintenance. We address the interaction of the immune, nervous and endocrine systems, including the intestinal microbiota, and the input of psychological processes, both in healthy populations and in subjects with different pathologies. The group also assesses diet, physical activity, anthropometry and quality of life markers to get a complete picture of the nutritional status of specific population groups (obesity and overweight, diabetes, eating disorders, Down syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome).

Specific objectives

  • To study biomarkers in adolescents with anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa for their potential prognostic and explanatory value in the etiopathogenesis of the disease.
  • To study the influence of lifestyle (dietary pattern, physical activity, emotional management) on markers of immune function, cardiometabolic risk and the intestinal microbiota. Observational studies in healthy population.
  • To study the effect of probiotics, prebiotics and foods rich in fiber and antioxidants on the microbiota and parameters of inflammation, gastrointestinal and cardiovascular health in intervention studies in humans at risk of disease.
Grupo de Investigación en Inmunonutrición


Ad Honorem:

Technical Personnel:



  • Vicente-Castro I., Redondo-Useros N., Díaz-Prieto L.E., Gómez-Martínez S., Marcos A. and Nova E. (2023) Association between Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Subjective Quality of Life in Spanish Young Adults. Nutrients.15(3):750.
  • Cacau LT, Hanley-Cook GT, Huybrechts I, De Henauw S, Kersting M, Gonzalez-Gross M, Gottrand F, Ferrari M, Nova E, Castillo MJ, Molnár D, Widhalm K, Androutsos O, Manios Y, Stehle P, Lachat C, Marchioni DM, Moreno LA. (2023) Relative validity of the Planetary Health Diet Index by comparison with usual nutrient intakes, plasma food consumption biomarkers, and adherence to the Mediterranean diet among European adolescents: the HELENA study.  Eur J Nutr. 62:2527–2539.
  • Díaz-Prieto LE, Gómez-Martínez S, Vicente-Castro I, Heredia C, González-Romero EA, Martín-Ridaura MDC, Ceinos M, Picón MJ, Marcos A, Nova E. (2022) Effects of Moringa oleifera Lam. Supplementation on Inflammatory and Cardiometabolic Markers in Subjects with Prediabetes. Nutrients;14(9):1937.
  • Sepulveda A.R.; Moreno-Encinas A.; Martínez-Huertas J.A., Anastasiadou D.; Nova E; Gomez-Martinez S.; Villa-Asensi J.R.; Mollejo E.; Graell M. (2021) Toward a biological, psychological and familial approach of eating disorders at onset: Case-control ANOBAS study. Frontiers in Psychology; 12:714414.
  • Redondo-Useros N, Nova E, González-Zancada N, Díaz LE, Gómez-Martínez S, Marcos A. (2020) Microbiota and Lifestyle: A Special Focus on Diet. Nutrients. 2020;12(6):1776.
  • González-Zancada N, Redondo-Useros N, Díaz LE, Gómez-Martínez S, Marcos A, Nova E.  Association of Moderate Beer Consumption with the Gut Microbiota and SCFA of Healthy Adults. Molecules. 2020 Oct 17;25(20):E4772.