Non extractable polyphenols, antioxidants and dietary fiber in health

Home » Research Teams » Non extractable polyphenols, antioxidants and dietary fiber in health (POLIFIBAN)

The activity of the research team is focused on the study of certain bioactive compounds present in foods of vegetal origin, such as dietary fibre and polyphenols. As distinctive feature, the team studies non-extractable polyphenols or macromolecular antioxidants, as a particular class of these compounds widely distributed in foods and with promising health effects. The research team is based on a global approach to the study of the selected compounds, comprising determination of their content in foods, evaluation of in vitro effects through several antioxidant capacity techniques, studies of bioavailability in humans and study of acute and chronic health effects, with a specific approach towards cardiometabolic diseases.


  • Determination of non-extractable polyphenols in food and diets.
  • Determination of dietary fibre in foods and diets.
  • Study of properties and health effects of non-extractable polyphenols.
  • Design and development of nutritional clinical trials.
  • Design of functional ingredients and foods, especially from food byproducts or underexploited raw materials.

Research Lines

  • Non-extractable polyphenols.
  • Dietary fibre.
  • Diet and cardiometabolic diseases.


  • Method for producing a concentrate of polymer proanthocyanidins with a concentration of more than 40% by means of enzymatic treatments and without using organic solvents.
  • Author(s): Saura-Calixto F, Pérez-Jiménez J.
  • Number: WO 2017013299 A1
Grupo de Investigación POLIFIBAN


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