Association between macromolecular antioxidants and intestinal microbiota

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European Journal of Nutrition has published an observational study showing  the association between the intake of macromolecular antioxidants and intestinal microbiota profile by the first time. During last years, many studies have pointed out the importance of a balanced intestinal microbiota in reducing the risk of various chronic diseases, which in turn has increased interest in the study of food components capable of modulating the bacteria present in the intestine. In this way, macromolecular antioxidants are naturally occurring compounds present in plant foods, with potential beneficial effects; their ability to modulate microbiota was previously reported in in vitro and animal studies, but not in humans. The present study, led by researchers from the University of Oviedo, and with the collaboration of Dr. Jara Pérez-Jiménez, from ICTAN, and researchers from the Institute of Dairy Products of Asturias (IPLA-CSIC), evaluated in 147 healthy subjects the intakes of various food components and their intestinal microbiota profile. The results indicated that a class of macromolecular antioxidants (associated with dietary fiber) were the best predictors, among others, of the content of bifidobacteria in faeces, which could lead to beneficial effects derived from the intake of this class of compounds.

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Contact: jara.perezarrobalocalhost

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