International congress: CRYO2018

Cartel difusión congreso CRYO2018

The international congress CRYO2018 is the 55thAnnual Meeting of the Society for Cryobiology, and it will take place in the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas central building, in Madrid, between July 10th and 13th of this year. This society is the main international scientific organization centered in the study of all aspects of the interaction between low temperature and living matter. Aspects such as living cell and tissue cryopreservation, adaptation and response of biological systems to low temperatures, or the parallelism with the effect of other abiotic stresses, are considered. This year, a specific symposium on Cryobiology in Food Science and Technology has been organized.

All the information on topics, sessions, communications, registration, etc., can be found in our web page:

Contact: Antonio Molina antoniomarrobalocalhost

Cartel difusión congreso CRYO2018