CSIC’s researchers have been awarded the IJMS Best Paper Award 2014

Sonia De Pascual-Teresa (ICTAN), Diego A. Moreno and Cristina García-Viguera (Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura (CEBAS) have been awarded the IJMS Best Paper Award 2014.

Their paper, “Flavanols and Anthocyanins in Cardiovascular Health: A Review of Current Evidence” received the 1st prize in the category “Reviews”.

The awarded review updates the knowledge on the cardiovascular effects of anthocyanins, catechins and proanthocyanidins, as implied by the in vitro and clinical studies on these compounds.

On an annual basis the IJMS Best Paper Award recognizes outstanding papers in the area of chemistry, molecular physics and molecular biology that meet the aims, scope and high standards of the IJMS journal.



Sonia de Pascual-Teresa soniaptarrobalocalhost

International Journal of Molecular Science 2014 award