An anti-aging investigation from NATURAGE project is granted with the Illycafè award at the XI IMARS Congress

An investigation entitled “Antiaging effect of coffee silver-skin extract” from the NATURAGE project (AGL2010-17779, integrated by researchers from CIAL-UAM-CSIC (MD. Del Castillo), ICTAN-CSIC (FJ. Morales, G.Blanch), UGR (MD. Mesa), BIOPOLIS (S. Genoves, P. Martorell y D. Ramón) has been granted with the Illycaffè award for an innovative investigation on the coffee area. Awards was announced at the 11th International Maillard reaction symposium held in Nancy (France, 16-20 september, 2012).

Preclinical data regarding to the antiaging properties of coffee silver-skin extracts (patented) employing as animal model Caenorhabditis elegans were conclusive. Worms of 3 days of age were fed with standard diet and diet supplemented with the SK extracts. Accelerated aging was induced by treating the worms every day for 45s with UV. Nematodes fed with a doses of 1mg/ml of Silver-skin extract showed a very significant longer longevity than those fed with a standard diet. The effect was similar to that observed for reference susbstances, such as vitamin C and chlorogenic acid in doses of 0.1 µg/ml.


Contact for further information to: fjmoralesarrobalocalhost /
