Potential effects of dietary polyphenols on sleep modulation

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The journal Sleep Medicine Reviews has published a review article, with Dr. Jara Pérez-Jiménez from ICTAN as first author, which summarizes for the first time, current knowledge on the potential of dietary polyphenols to modulate sleep. The author team evaluated data derived from observational studies, experiments in animal models and clinical trials in different populations to show that polyphenols may play a beneficial role on sleep. Polyphenols are a wide group of compounds present in foods of vegetal origin which have shown several health effects. Based on the conclusions of this review, those effects might also include improvements in sleep duration and quality through several mechanisms. However, the article also shows the knowledge gaps in this emerging field and proposes practical considerations for future studies.

This article is derived from the short stay that Dr. Pérez-Jiménez undertook in Dr. Marie-Pierre St-Onge’s research team at Columbia University (USA) in 2022, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Universities (mobility program for senior researchers)/Fulbright Commission. It was developed in collaboration with the University of Barcelona (Dr. Rosa Mª Lamuela-Raventós). It should be highlighted that it has been published in a referent journal in the field, being placed among the 10% highest ranked in the scientific domain of Neurosciences.

Link to the article: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1087079223001004