Phytochemicals, nutrition and health

Home » Research Teams » Phytochemicals, nutrition and health (PHYTOCHEMICALS)

The research activity focuses on studying complementary aspects of disease prevention by consuming bioactive compounds present in the diet, plant extracts, or nutraceuticals, mainly phenolic compounds. Using a comprehensive approach, an exhaustive characterization of the phytochemical compounds in the raw material is carried out, and their bioavailability and metabolism are evaluated through metabolomic analysis. Additionally, their effects on health are studied, with particular emphasis on cardiometabolic diseases. These investigations expand knowledge regarding both the composition of plant sources and the biotransformation pathways of bioactive compounds, as well as their biological activity, employing cellular models and clinical trials in humans.

Research Lines

  • Characterization and quantification of phytochemicals in plant-derived products.
  • Phytochemical bioavailability.
  • Phytochemicals and cardiometabolic diseases.


  • Characterization and quantification of bioactive compounds (phenolic compounds, methylxanthines, saponins) in foods, plant extracts, nutraceuticals, and biological samples.
  • Determination of antioxidant capacity in foods, biological samples, and cellular models.
  • Bioavailability and metabolism of dietary phytochemicals. In vitro transport studies and bioavailability in humans through metabolomic analysis.
  • Clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy of foods and nutraceuticals.
  • Formulation and design of nutraceuticals.
Grupo de Investigación PHYTOCHEMICALS


Technical Personnel:

  • Marta Esther Jordán Romero
  • Natalia García Acosta



  • González-Ramila, S., Sarriá, B., Seguido, M.A., García-Cordero, J., Bravo-Clemente, L., Mateos R. Effect of olive pomace oil on cardiovascular health and associated pathologies. Nutrients 14(19):3927 (2022).
  • Seguido, M.A, Tarradas R.M., González S., García J., Sarriá B, Bravo L & Mateos R. Influence of 8-week daily consumption of a new product combining green coffee hydroxycinnamates and beta-glucans on polyphenol bioavailability in subjects with overweight and obesity. Food Funct 13:1133-1152 (2022).
  • Mateos, R., García-Cordero, J., Bravo-Clemente, L., Sarriá, B. Evaluation of novel nutraceuticals based on combination of oat beta-glucans and a green coffee phenolic extract to combat obesity and its comorbidities. A randomized, dose-response, parallel trial. Food Funct 13:574-586 (2022).
  • Achour M, Bravo L, Sarriá B, Fredj MB, Nouira M, Mtiraoui A, Saguem S, Mateos R. Bioavailability and nutrikinetics of rosemary tea phenolic compounds in humans. Food Res Inter 139:109815 (2021).
  • Sáyago-Ayerdi S.G., Venema K, Tabernero M, Sarriá B, Bravo L, Mateos R. Bioconversion by gut microbiota of predigested mango (Mangifera indica L) ‘Ataulfo’ peel polyphenols assessed in a dynamic (TIM-2) in vitro model of the human colon. Food Res Inter 139:109963 (2021).
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  • Mateos R, Sarriá B & Bravo L. Nutritional and other health properties of olive pomace oil. Crit Rev Food Sci Nut. 60(20):3506-3521 (2020).

PhD Thesis, Master’s Thesis and Degree Thesis