Vitamins and Carotenoids: nutrition and biological activity

Home » Research Teams » Vitamins and Carotenoids: nutrition and biological activity (VITA-CAROT)


  • Carotenoids, with and without provitamin-A activity, and vitamins A and E: methods for the analysis in fods and biological samples, nutritional status and bioavailability.
  • Assessment of biomarkers of effect (oxidative damage, antioxidant status, visual function and cardiiovascular risk factors) in intervention and observational studies in humans.

Research Lines

  • Carotenoids and fat soluble vitamins: analysis, nutritional status and bioavailability in humans.
  • Lutein: intake, biomarkers of status and visual function. Interactions.
  • Biomarkers of carotenoids: methodological and biological validation.
  • Functional foods: design and effects assessment in humans.


  • Analysis of carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and their isomers) and vitamins A and E (alpha- gamma- and delta-tocopherol) en foods and biological samples.
  • Intervention studies in humans (control and patients) with active components or with foods: design, development and analysis of biomarkers (oxidative damage, antioxidant status, visual function and cardiovascular risk factors) and interactions.
  • Bioavailability (in vivo) and bioaccesibility (in ivitro) studies.


Technical personnel:



  • Estévez-Santiago R, Olmedilla-Alonso B, Fernández-Jalao, I. Biaccessibility of provitamin A carotenoids from fruits: application of a standardised static in vitro digestion method. Food & Funct., 7: 1354-1366; 2016.
  • Vargas-Murga, L; de Rosso, V.V; Mercadante, A.Z.; Olmedilla-Alonso B. Fruits and vegetables in the Brazilian Household Budget Survey (2008-2009): carotenoid content and assessment of individual carotenoid intake. J Food Comp & Anal., 50; 88-96; 2016.
  • Rodríguez-Concepción M; Ávalos FJ; Bonet ML; Boronat A; Gómez-Gómez L; Hornero-Méndez D; Limón C; Meléndez-Martinez AJ; Olmedilla-Alonso B; Palou A; Ribot J; Rodrigo MJ; Zacarias L; Zhu C. A global perspective on carotenoids: metabolism, biotechnology, and benefits for nutrition and health. Prog. Lipid Res., 70: 62-93; 2018.
  • Rodríguez-Rodríguez E, Beltrán-de-Miguel B, Samaniego KX, Sánchez-Prieto M, Estévez-Santiago R, Olmedilla-Alonso B. Extraction and analysis by HPLC-DAD of carotenoids in human faeces from Spanish adults. Antioxidants, 9, 484; 2020.
  • Böhm V, Lietz G, Olmedilla-Alonso B, Phelan D, Reboul E, Bánati D, Borel P, Corte-Real J, de Lera AR, Desmarchelier C, Dulinska-Litewka J, Landrier JF, Milisav I, Nolan J, Porrini M, Riso P, Roob J, Valanou E, Wawrzniak A, Winklhofer-Roob B, Rühl R, Bohn T. From carotenoid intake to carotenoid blood and tissue concentrations – implications for dietary intake recommendations. Nutrition Reviews, nuaa008, 2020.
  • Olmedilla-Alonso B, Rodríguez-Rodríguez E, Beltrán-de-Miguel B, Estévez-Santiago R. Dietary β-cryptoxanthin and α-carotene have greater apparent bioavailability than β-carotene in subjects from countries with different dietary patterns. Nutrients, 12, 2639, 2020.