Second prize from Madrid City Hall to BSc thesis supervised at ICTAN and UCM

Portada TFG Premio Ayuntamiento de Madrid

On November 24th, Madrid City Hall announced the winners of the “2022 Awards for academic and reserch studies on healthy and sustainable food systems for Madrid City”. The sencond prize in the category of MSc and BSc theses was for the BSc thesis “Nutritional quality of foods requested by social support entities in Madrid Region. Preliminary assessment”, developed by the student Raquel Manzanero Rodriguez, which was supervised by Dr. Jara Perez Jimenez, from ICTAN, and Dr. Olivia Hurtado Moreno, from Madrid Complutense University.
The aim of this study, already recognized as best BSc thesis in Human Nutrition and Dietetic Studies Degree of Madrid Complutense University, academic year 2021/22, was to carry out a critical assessment of fods requested by social support entities at Madrid Region, providing suggestions in order to replace some of them by affordable foods with improved nutritional profile.