Edible Films and Coatings: Fundamentals and Applications

Cover of the book Edible Films and Coatings: Fundamentals and Applications

Three researchers belongin to ICTAN-CSIC, Pilar Montero García, M. Carmen Gómez-Guillén and M. Elvira López-Caballero, in collaboration with Gustavo Barbosa Cánovas (Professor in Washington State University), have edited the book entitled “Edible Films and Coatings: Fundamentals and Applications”, published by CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group.

This book covers the latest novelties in research conducted in the field of edible packaging, dealing with both coatings and films. It considers packaging that is strictly edible and packaging that is placed in close contact with food. The aim, in the first case, is innovation in order to diversify and have fun with food, and also to provide functional compounds for the organism. The objective in the second case is the marketing of safe, high-quality processed foods, lengthening their period of preservation and their possible role in Agronomy.

The book is arranged in the following sections: I. Preparation, properties , and characterization of coatings and films, II. Biopolymeric matrices, “Traditional and alternative sources for biopolymeric film and coating matrices”, III. Strategies to optimize coating and film functionality, IV. Encapsulation and controlled release in films and coatings, V. Applications of films and coatings in foodstuffs, VI. Coatings and films: drawbacks and challenges.

The most innovative aspects of these technologies are discussed, and mention is made of areas that have yet to be studied or that would be worth exploring. All the material is written by renowned experts selected from all over the world who have wide-ranging knowledge of the subject.

With  the publication of this book, Editors  hope to inspire and reunite  the scientific community, professionals, teachers, students as well as the innovative  industries. This  text is targeted to all of them.

For further information about the nature and content of this book click here

Contact: Dr. Pilar Montero mpmonteroarrobalocalhost

Cover of the book Edible Films and Coatings: Fundamentals and Applications
Book Cover. Edible Films and Coatings: Fundamentals and Applications