ICTAN investigators study the effects of Vichy Catalán water on cholesterol

The researchers have found that regular consumption reduces cardiovascular risk

The CSIC has signed an agreement with Grupo Vichy Catalan to pursue a partnership that began 15 years ago

The aim of the new study is to know whether this water consumed as part of the usual diet, reduces cholesterol, and to assess whether there are other favorable changes in cardiovascular risk biomarkers in healthy adults. Vichy Catalan mineral water is highly mineralized and rich in bicarbonate, sodium and chloride. Also contains lithium and silicon.

Researchers of the MINERALS group of ICTAN will conduct the study with healthy volunteers in the region of Madrid. VolunteerS should be between 18 and 45 years old and have total cholesterol levels between 200 and 300 milligrams per deciliter. Randomized crossover trials with water consumption as a supplement to the usual diet, one liter of water per day, will be performed.

Nota de prensa COLESTEROL


Information: mpvaqueroarrobalocalhost