A micronutrient abundant in fruits (p-coumaric acid) may improve the functional efficacy of probiotics

Inducción de funciones probióticas de Lactobacillus plantarum por el ácido p-cumárico

Research carried out at the Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN-CSIC) published in the Molecular Nutrition & Food Research journal reveals the response of a probiotic microorganism to p-coumaric acid, an abundant micronutrient in fruits and widespread in plant foods. As incorporated in the diet, the antimicrobial activity of p-coumaric may modify the gut microbiota which is crucial for host health.

The study reveals the genome-wide transcriptomic response of Lactobacillus plantarum, a probiotic gut-commensal microorganism, to p-coumaric acid. This compound activates microbial functions potentially beneficial for intestinal function, such as a strong antioxidant response and p-coumaric acid detoxification mechanisms. Furthermore, the transcriptional datasets revealed overlapping behaviours with the response of L. plantarum to the gut environment, suggesting that diets rich in p-coumaric acid could promote survival of these beneficial microorganisms in the gut.


Contact for further information: Félix López de Felipe (fxlopezarrobalocalhost)

p-Coumaric acid induced improvement of Lactobacillus plantarum probiotic functionality