Unidades de Apoyo a la Investigación

Service Unit of Knowledge Transfer (UTRIC)



The Unit of Knowledge Transfer promotes, coordinates and manages the relationships between ICTAN researchers and companies.

UTRIC functions in close coordination with the Deputy Vice-Presidency for Knowledge Transfer of CSIC (VATC) and its aim, following VATC guidelines, is to convey ICTAN’s skills and research results to national and foreign companies and other entities. The ultimate purpose of UTRIC’s activities is to boost innovation in the food sector, promoting cooperation between ICTAN research groups and companies, and supporting the transfer of knowledge and results to the society.



Services offered to researchers.

  • Promotion and marketing of technology offers.
  • Advice on relationship with the business sector.
  • Negotiation on patent licenses, know-how and exploitation of biological materials.
  • Help in management, negotiation and processing of R&D contracts with companies.
  • Collaboration in technology surveillance, and patentability studies, and patent drafting (centralized in VATC).
  • Information regarding calls for R&D financial aids, mainly those promoting knowledge transfer.

Services for companies and other entities.

  • Advise to solve companies’ technological needs through ICTAN research groups’ cooperation.
  • Technology transference. Availability for exploitation under patent licence of results, mainly those protected by patent or other intellectual property protection modes.



  • utric@ictan.csic.es