Chemical modifications in processed foods

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We investigate the modifications and chemical interactions of food constituents that occur through amino carbonyl reactions during the thermal processing of food in industrial, domestic, and catering settings. Our research is focused on the development of the Maillard reaction and its direct impact on the quality, safety, and bioactivity of food. We explore the beneficial/harmful properties for consumers of new food formulations and ingredients using a risk/benefit approach. We develop and implement strategies to mitigate the formation of processing-related chemical contaminants in food. Finally, we disseminate the results of our research to society, including government bodies, regulators, the productive sector, and consumers.

Research Lines

  • Novel analytical and computational methodologies in the determination and prediction of Maillard products with implications for food quality and safety.
  • Analysis, mitigation, bioaccessibility, and exposure to chemical process contaminants in food.
  • Risk/benefit assessment of new food formulations.
  • Antiglycation capacity of natural compounds obtained from food by-products.


  • Analysis of food constituents (sugars, carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, phenolic acids, etc.).
  • Determination of chemical process contaminants (acrylamide, hydroxymethylfurfural, furan), markers of protein glycation (furosine, carboxymethyllysine, pentosidine), functional carbohydrates (melanoidins), antioxidant capacity, bioaccessibility, anti-hypertensive capacity, antiglycation capacity (fructosamine, BSA-Glc, MGO-trapping), Rancimat oxidative stability, epoxy-, hydroxy-, and keto-acids, etc.
  • Characterization of thermal processes (frying, baking, roasting, etc.) in model systems, foods, and ingredients.
  • Development of kinetic models, predictive models, identification of reaction intermediates, and process scaling in foods.
  • Comprehensive evaluation of colour in foods.
  • Experience in different food matrices (coffee and substitutes, potatoes, cereals and derivatives, snack products, nuts, seeds, paprika, etc.).
  • Assessment of dietary exposure to chemical contaminants.


  • SAFEFRYING. Aplicación de móvil para reducir el riesgo de la presencia de la contaminante acrilamida en las patatas fritas través de la evaluación objetiva del color.
  • Type: Protección de creación intelectual (software de aplicación para teléfonos móviles).
    Author(s): F.J. Morales; M. Mesías; C. Delgado
    Center: Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos y Nutrición (ICTAN).
  • Date: 03/12/2018.
  • Number: 6397-2018 acta notarial CSIC.
  • Procedimiento de obtención de una cobertura alimentaria para la inhibición de contaminantes químicos de procesado.
  • Type: Patente de transferencia I+D
    Author(s): M.P. Montero; M.C. Gómez-Guillén; F.J. Morales; B. Jiménez-Castillo.
  • Center: Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos y Nutrición (ICTAN).
  • Date: 09/09/2010
    Number: ES1641.808 (LICENCIA: P-201030348CSIC-MAT)
    Licensed: SI (19/01/2012)
Grupo de Investigación (CHEMPROFOOD)


Scientific Personnel:

Technical Personnel:



  • Morales, F.J.; Mesías, C.; Delgado-Andrade, C. Association between Heat-Induced Chemical Markers and Ultra-Processed Foods: A Case Study on Breakfast Cereals. Nutrients, 2020, 12, 1418.
  • Holgado, F., Márquez-Ruiz, G., Ruiz-Méndez, M.V., Velasco, J. Influence of oil droplet size on the oxidative stability of the free and encapsulated fractions of freeze-dried microencapsulated sunflower oil. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2020, 55(2), 833-840.
  • Mesias, M.; Delgado-Andrade, C.; Holgado, F.; Morales, F.J. Acrylamide content in French fries prepared in households: A pilot study in Spanish homes. Food Chemistry, 2018, 260 (15), 44–52.
  • Navarro, M; Morales, F.J. Effect of hydroxytyrosol and olive leaf extract on 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds, hydroxymethylfurfural and advanced glycation endproducts in a biscuit model. Food Chemistry, 2017, 217, 602–609.
  • Delgado-Andrade, C., Pastoriza, S., Peinado, M.J.; Rufián-Henares, J.A.; Navarro, M.P.; Rubio, L.A. Modifications in bacterial groups and short chain fatty acid production in the gut of healthy adult rats after long-term consumption of dietary Maillard reaction products”. Food Res. Int., 2017, 100, 134-142.
  • Mesías, M; Holgado, F; Márquez-Ruiz, G.; Morales, F.J. Risk/Benefits considerations of a new formulation of wheat-based biscuit supplemented with different amounts of chia flour. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2016, 73, 528-535.